Rx Kids program aims to tackle poverty to improve health of Flint moms and babies | MSUToday

Many thanks to an meant $15 million “challenge” grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Basis, Flint…

Study Reveals Prenatal Supplements Don’t Offer Adequate Nutrition for Women and Babies

A new examine from scientists in the Lifecourse Epidemiology of Adiposity (Lead) Middle at the College…

A shot to protect babies from RSV is almost here, but kids in need could have trouble getting it

Right after more than 5 decades of trying, the drug market is on the verge of…

Breastfeeding medicine clinic supports moms and babies

CLEVELAND — Connor is Anna and Kevin McHugh’s 1st infant. He was posterior, and McHugh’s labor…

What is parechovirus? Signs, symptoms and risk factors of the virus infecting babies across the country

Numerous states have noted new scenarios of parechoviruses, a group of viruses that normally infect small…