Mental health experts say around 42{fc1509ea675b3874d16a3203a98b9a1bd8da61315181db431b4a7ea1394b614e} of people in Knox County have mental health issues

The Psychological Well being Association of East Tennessee mentioned that all around 42{fc1509ea675b3874d16a3203a98b9a1bd8da61315181db431b4a7ea1394b614e} of persons in…

The kids aren’t OK — Mental health issues skyrocketed for Nebraska children during pandemic | Education

Roseann Moring Flatwater Free Press Six-year-old Elijah Wastell, of Omaha, started feeling anxious last fall. It…

Goldie Hawn on anxiety, depression, suicide, mental health issues

When she was 11, Goldie Hawn was terrified of the atomic bomb. It was 1956, and she…

As Biden battles COVID, some health issues of past US presidents were kept hidden from public

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! As President Biden, who is 79 years old,…

Marine Corps, Army report disproportionate substance abuse, mental health issues

Compound abuse and mental wellbeing troubles are disproportionately prevalent in the Maritime Corps and Military when…

Thousands of women with mental health issues in England given ‘dangerous’ electric shocks to brain

Thousands of women of all ages in England with mental health problems are staying supplied electrical shock therapy…