‘God’s clinic’ cares for thousands

LONGMONT, Colo. — Something significant is taking place at the Longmont Church of Christ. I didn’t recognize…

Decisions by CVS and Optum Panicked Thousands of Their Sickest Patients

Arthur Allen NEW YORK — The panic commenced when a couple individuals noticed their nurses and…

A free medical clinic opened in rural East Texas. Thousands poured in for help.

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When a free medical clinic opened in East Texas, thousands came for care

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17-year-old Israeli’s mental health ‘first aid’ course draws thousands

Young Israelis have been flocking to a new psychological “first aid” class, created by a teenager…

Thousands of women with mental health issues in England given ‘dangerous’ electric shocks to brain

Thousands of women of all ages in England with mental health problems are staying supplied electrical shock therapy…