More and more companies are switching to sustainable packaging of products, and this is of course of great importance. It is essential that we all do our bit for a better environment, and this can be done in different ways. Each company does this in its own way, but you can already start using sustainable packaging. Many companies use glass for packaging valuable content. Plastic production needs to be drastically reduced, and this is why many companies use glass packaging. Glass has a much longer durability, and this is obviously a lot better for the environment. Still, there are a lot of different types of glass and nowadays more and more companies are opting for miron glass. Do you want to know why and what it is? In this article, we will tell you more about it, so you can find out all about it.
What is miron glass?
Miron glass is not a new product, but something ancient Egyptians have been using for a long time. Namely, it is violet glass and this violet glass is very convenient to use. It has a deep violet colour, and it is a very precious way to pack resources. The glass has a beautiful look and this is also directly one of the reasons for choosing this packaging. The range in miron glass is huge, and you can find different types of packaging for various purposes. For example, you have a glass pipette for precious liquids, as well as large glass bottles. Do you want to know why it is useful to use miron glass for packaging valuable products? Read all about the advantages below!
The advantages
The violet glass ensures that the contents stay good a lot longer. It may also enhance the effect of the contents, but this has not been officially proven. In addition, violet glass packaging also makes it look a lot sleeker. Especially if you sell products to customers, it is ideal to use this packaging. Customers place a lot of value on this, and this is obviously of great importance for your business. Would you also like to use Miron glass packaging? Then take a quick look on the internet and find a provider in the field of violet glass packaging. The offer is huge, and therefore it is very important to choose the right packaging with a suitable sealer, so you have the right bottle.